2017 Press

in "Samen Sterk in Flevoland: Wilderniscafé", Staatsbosbeheer - Publieksverslag", page 19 (November 2017) – The Netherlands


in "Neerlands Hoop: Michael Sanderson", Nieuwe Revu Online (29 November 2017) – The Netherlands

in "Neerlands Hoop: Michael Sanderson", Nieuwe Revu, page 22 & 23 (29 November 2017) – The Netherlands

2017-11- Nieuwe-Revu_Magazzine-Michael Sanderson - Ateles Films

in "Back to the Jungle", What's on TV Magazine, page 27 (21 October 2017) – United Kingdom

What's on TV Magazine 21st October 2017 - Return of Spidey Monkeys

in "Willem Wever", (KRO-NCRV) NPO3 (08 October 2017) – The Netherlands

Pyrenees Mountain (Press Spain 2017)

in " El Pirineo llega a Japón", El Periodico - Aragon | Comunidad (10 August 2017) - Spain

2017-08-10-El Periodico-Ateles Films-Spain

in "Planeta Terra 2 estreia domingo na Discovery com narração de Ricardo Boechat", Metro Jornal São Paulo (04 August 2017) – Brazil

2017-Metro-Michael Sanderson Planet Earth

in “Piraya smakar inte speciellt gott“, GFT – Good food tour (07 August 2017) – Sweden

in “Piraijan maku oli pieni pettymys”, GFT – Good food tour (23 August 2017) – Finland

ateles films michaelsanderson-goodfoodtour

in "CINETURISMO - Sporting às 14:00“, SPORTING TV (21 July 2017) – Portugal

2017-SportingTV-Portugal-Return of the Spider Monkeys_Ateles Films

in "Het is echt geen vakantie - Het leven van natuurfilmer Michael Sanderson", NCRV-Gids, Cover and pages 6-9, (nummer 26/27) (1-14 July 2017) – The Netherlands

in "Dagen wachten voor dat ene beeld - Michael Sanderson is natuur filmer", KRO Magazine, pages 03, 06-07 (1-14 July 2017) – The Netherlands

2017-KRO-MichaelSanderson-Ateles Films

in "Nederlandse natuur volgens Michael Sanderson", AVRO BODE, pages 18-19, (nummer 26/27) (1-14 July 2017) – The Netherlands

2017-AVRO-Michael Sanderson-Ateles Films

in “Luontokuvaaja ylistää työtään“, HS Metro, page 26 (04 May 2017) – Finland


2017-METRO-Finland-Michael Sanderson-newspapper

in "Sanderson tussen de slingerapen", AD,

in “Drones in Planet Earth II: Interview with Wildlife Filmmaker Michael Sanderson“, Skytango

ateles films michael-sanderson-drone sky tango

in "Cameraman Michael Sanderson volgde avonturen van slingeraap Infinity" - RTL Late Night, TV Show, RTL 4 (24 April 2017) – The Netherlands

in "Tijd voor MAX Radio", NPO Radio 5 (10 April 2017) – The Netherlands

2017-NPORadio5-Tijd voor MAXRadio - Michael Sanderson

in "Nederlandse cameraman Planet Earth 2: enorme eer", Metro,

in "Dit zijn de mooiste beelden uit de natuur", RTL Live, RTL 4 (14 March 2017) – The Netherlands


in "Natuurfilmer Michael Sanderson kiest mooiste filmpje", Vroege Vogels, VARA (online) (20 January 2017) – The Netherlands


in "Jinek", KRO-NCRV, NPO 1 (17 January 2017) – The Netherlands


in "Duurfal van Planet Earth - Michael kan de boom in", AD Haagsche Courant,

2016-01-16-AD-Michael Sanderson

in "Niew in 2017: Bertop 5", NPO Radio 5 (03 January 2017) – The Netherlands


in Natuurdocumentaire: "Serie ‘Planet Earth II’ is een ramp voor de natuur", De Morgen (03 January 2017) – Belgium

2017-01-03-De Morgen-Planet EarthII-Quote Michael Sanderson

in "NH Lunchroom" NH Radio, NH (13:00-14:00) (02 January 2017) – The Netherlands
