It is a great honour to share that Ateles Films are official Ambassadors for the brands Leofoto, Lowepro, H&Y Filter and FeiyuTech through Degreef & Partner.

About Degreef & Partner:
Since 1983, Degreef & Partner has been importing and distributing A-brand accessories for the imaging industry, including Leofoto, Hähnel, PolarPro, Steiner, Insta360, B+W, PGYTech, XP-Pen, Lowepro and Joby. At the head office and warehouse in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands, 15 professionals work daily to optimally represent and distribute these brands. As per 1st January 2021, Matthieu Mureau has taken over 100% of the shares from Rob Degreef.