Return of the Spider Monkeys
Length: 1 x 44min or 1 x 50min
Format: UHD
Years of Production: 2010-2016
Michael Sanderson
Assistant Producer/Production Manager/Camera Assistant/Sound:
Ana Luisa Santos
Aerial Cinematography/Stock Footage:
Ateles Films
Ateles Films
Narrated by:
Hayley Atwell (for National Geographic)
Susanne Grawe (for Arte German/ZDF)
Premiere Broadcast:
2016 December 14, Arte (France and Germany)
2017 May 07, Nat Geo Wild (Worldwide)
A spider monkey named Infinity was stolen from the forest as a baby. Now its time to take the jungle back. After an 8-year rehabilitation, she is ready to return to the wild. But this time she is not alone. She joins a makeshift group of orphaned monkeys and her newborn baby. Climb into the canopy life of these spider monkeys from a perspective never seen before. Will mother and child survive their newfound freedom?
This is the first-ever in depth film about the wild lives of the black-handed spider monkeys, said to be among the most intelligent primates on the planet. Filmmaker Michael Sanderson gained unprecedented access to rehabilitated spider monkeys to follow their intimate struggles and jungle high-wire acrobatics with stunning cinematography.

Broadcast in the channels

Film Festival Nominations & Awards
- Winner - Best Documentary (professionals): Mariupol International Film Festival Cinema and YOU 2018, Ukraine
- Finalist “Best Documentary Film of Species Award”: China International Green Film Week 2018, China
- Official Selection: International Nature Film Festival Gödöllő 2018, Hungary
- Official Selection: Vaasa Wildlife Festival 2018, Finland
- Winner (1st) Best Cinematography: Finisterra VI Arrábida Film Art & Tourism Festival 2017, Portugal
- Winner (2st) Best Documentary: Finisterra VI Arrábida Film Art & Tourism Festival2017, Portugal
- Winner (3st) Best Wildlife & Nature Tourism: Finisterra VI Arrábida Film Art & Tourism Festival 2017, Portugal
- Special Mention Award: 16th Baikal International Festival of Documentary and Popular-Science Films 2017, Russia
- Finalist: One Earth Awards 2017, India
- Official Selection: Roundglass Samsara Film Festival 2017, India
- Nominee - Best “Fascinated by nature”: Ekotopfilm International Festival of Sustainable development Films 2017, Czech Republic
- Finalist: 33è Festival International du Film Ornithologique de Menigoute 2017, France
- Official Selection: Wildlife Film Festival Rotterdam 2017, The Netherlands
- Finalist “Best Newcomer Award”: International Wildlife Film Festival Green Screen 2017, Germany
- Semi-Finalist: G2 Green Earth Film Festival 2017, USA
- Finalist: 16th Baikal International Festival of Documentary and Popular-Science Films “People and Environment” 2017, Russia
- Official Selection: AM Egypt Film Festival 2017, Egypt
- Semi-Finalist “International Feature Narrative Film”: Caribbean Film Festival & Market 2017, Bahamas
- Nominee - Nominee - Best Nature and Natural Science: IFF Ekotopfilm – Envirofilm 2017, Slovakia
- Best Documentary: Kolkata International Wildlife & Environment Film Festival 2016, India
- Nominee - Best Nature Film: International Green Culture Festival “Green Fest” 2016, Serbia

L’école des singes: Retour dans la jungle du Guatémala
Channel: Arte France
Dans la jungle du Guatemala, un bébé atèle - espèce de singe menacée - est sauvé des griffes des braconniers qui ont tué sa mère. La petite guenon, baptisée Infinity, est confiée à un refuge où l'on prépare les animaux orphelins à une réintroduction dans leur milieu naturel. Infinity rejoint un groupe de congénères, orphelins comme elle, avec qui elle apprendra le comportement social propre aux atèles en liberté. Les jeunes singes doivent ensuite se familiariser avec la vie dans la forêt tropicale dans un grand enclos à ciel ouvert.

Channel: Arte Germany
Im Dschungel Guatemalas wurde ein Klammeraffen-Baby aus den Fängen von Wilderern gerettet. Tierschützer ziehen das Junge anschließend jahrelang auf und bereiten es gemeinsam mit einer Gruppe Artgenossen auf die Rückkehr in die Wildnis vor. Für das Affenmädchen ist die Freilassung der Aufbruch in eine völlig unbekannte und sehr gefährliche Welt.

El retorno de los monos araña
Channel: rtve Spain
Slot: Grandes documentales
Broadcast Date: 2018 May 10
Una mona araña llamada Infinity fue robada del bosque cuando era bebé. Ahora es el momento de volver a la vida salvaje. Después de 7 años de rehabilitación, está lista para regresar a la naturaleza. Pero esta vez ella no está sola. Se une a un grupo de monos huérfanos y su bebé recién nacido.

Channel: TVR1 Romania
Slot: Teleenciclopedia (5 episodes)
Broadcast Date: 2019 September 28
La centrul de reabilitare ARCAS din Guatemala, un grup de maimuțe-păianjen (Ateles geoffroyi) – răpite de braconieri în urmă cu șapte ani, ca să fie vândute pe piața neagră – urmează să înceapă pregătirea pentru a se putea reintegra în sălbăticie.
About the filmmaker
Michael Sanderson is the author of “Return of the Spider Monkeys” which he has been developing since 2003. A unique and real story that he witnessed in first person. Michael shot, directed, produced, wrote and edited the film single-handedly. He especially learned how to climb trees to find Infinity deep in the Mayan jungle. It is time to reveal what really happened to Infinity after she was released back into the jungle.
Michael Sanderson is a strong advocate against exotic pets and the cuteness curse. His passion and determination for conservation makes him want to show the world what happens to stolen wildlife, destined to become a pet, even when saved. In this film, Michael delves deep into the problems of rehabilitating animals to return to the wild, showing where animals really belong, especially as babies. Do not expect to “want a monkey” after this film.

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