Red fox**, Red Deer, Kingfisher, Seagull, Sea Eagle, Sanderling, Wild bison, horse, tulip, dune, national park, reserve, cultural heritage (dolmens), Amsterdam, The Hague, Schiphol, Airport & Airplanes, National Day (Dodenherdenking, Kings Day, Prinsjesdag), Monument (Peace Palace, Palace, museum), Demonstration, Bonfire, New's Eve,...
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Ateles Stock Videos were also used and seen in the following productions:
- Series "MTV Behind the Music", S1, E13 Bob Marley (2022) Paramount+ , Broadcast on 2024/02/07 on MTV (Worldwide)
- TV Series: L'Odyssée des animaux - Intro, Arte (2022) (France & Germany)
- L'Odyssée des animaux - Episode Le Voyage du singe d'Amerique du Sud, Arte (2022) (France & Germany)
- Endangered, Discovery Channel/Amazon Prime (2021) (BBC Motion Galery)
- Primates: Protecting Primates, BBC One (2020) (BBC Motion Galery)
- Return of the Spider Monkeys: Nat Geo Wild (Worldwide)
- Helden van de Wildernis: NPO AVROTOS (The Netherlands)
- Ateles Films and the firenado in Scheveningen! (2019/01/01) (Worldwide)
- Het klok huis - Nationaal Park De Wadden (2021/04/28) (The Netherlands)
- Teleenciclopedia TVR (Romania)- MAIMUȚELE-PĂIANJEN (5 episodes)
Ateles Films Stock Footage
Contact us directly for the best rates.
*A search fee will be charged for all jobs. This fee may be applied toward purchase.
** Red Foxes Stock Footage: we have an extensive 4K+ library of Red Foxes rights free that is not currently in any online library. For this footage contact us directly.